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Mark Zuckerberg Just Earned Insane Amount Of Money In One Hour

Get ready to feel really bad about your yearly income.
Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg just earned a whopping $3.4 billion (£2.5 billion) in just over an hour after the social network giant posted some impressive second-quarter earnings on Wednesday.
Yup, you read that right – £2.5 billion in just over an hour.

Ready to feel even worse? The increase in his earnings pushed the founder and CEO’s net worth to an estimated new high of $56.7 billion (£42.9 billion), theMirror reports.
But Zuckerberg’s still only the world’s fifth richest person, right behind founder and CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, who is estimated to be worth $64 billion.
So what caused his massive spike in wealth? Well, Facebook’s stock price spiked 6.5 per cent in after-hours trading to $131.40 at around 5pm yesterday, after the company announced that revenues and earnings had exceeded analysts’ expectations thanks to gains in mobile ad revenue, according to Forbes.

Facebook’s second quarter earnings included a rise in revenue of 59 per cent to $6.44 billion, which eclipsed the $6.02 billion that analysts predicted. Profits increased, too, rising to $2.1 billion – also exceeding analysts’ estimates.
Considering Zuckerberg only founded Facebook back in 2004, this is pretty damn impressive. The 32-year-old social media entrepreneur is the youngest of the world’s ten richest people, and his company has increased by 223 per cent since the it first went public – he probably doesn’t regret dropping out of Harvard for it.
But just like other billionaires who hold the majority of their wealth in one company’s stock, his fortune can rise or fall by billions of dollars in a matter of minutes, following quarterly reports or other major company news.

Jealous of his earnings? You have every right to be, but turns out he’s not just another rich guy looking to make as much money as possible.
In December last year, following the birth of his daughter, Zuckerberg announced he was giving away 99 per cent of his Facebook shares, with the aim of ‘advancing human potential and promoting equality’.
So for once, the world may just be a better place thanks to a guy with a lot of money.

Girls Reveal Their Thoughts On Seeing Erect Penis For First Time

Penises make quite the spectacle, and in the aftermath of Alex Bowen’s erect cock being broadcast to the masses, it seems only fitting to write an article on the first time people saw an erection.
Thankfully, the dark underbelly of Reddit provided us with copious answers and anecdotes about the first time certain girls saw an erect dick, and yes – they’re all hilarious.
After a quick glance at the thread I think we can quite easily separate all comments into three categories. The innocent, the turned on, and the downright creepy as fuck – and yes, there’s a lot of all three.

Girl Uses Secret Camera To Catch Boyfriend Cheating, Things Get Awkward

No one likes a cheater, so when one gets caught, it’s only fair to catch it on hidden camera and put it out there for the world to see.
Thankfully, there’s a YouTube channel called To Catch A Cheater that specializes in such things.
After a girl named Lindsay reached out to the channel to put her boyfriend to the test, they enlisted the help of model Lisa Rodriguez to see how her boyfriend Michael would react.
Spoiler alert: it’s not good.
In an undercover honey trap, a hidden camera films Michael in a supermarket. After Lisa bends down to very purposely wave her ass in his face, he takes the bait, obviously staring at her behind.
After she ‘catches’ Michael checking her out, she butters him up by asking about his tattoos. They end up speaking about a twerking competition, and one thing leads to another, next thing you know he’s grabbing her ass. Not a good move, Michael.
And it gets worse – after Lisa gives him her number, they agree to a private twerking show later on.
Obviously, his girlfriend isn’t too pleased.
After being confronted with the footage, Stephanie admitted she plans to ‘get even’ – but I think the better plan would be to just ditch him altogether.
Since the video was uploaded to YouTube earlier this week, it’s already racked up 66,200 views.
Moral of the story? Don’t cheat, and if you do, prepare to be humiliated all over the Internet.


This image, which circulates via social media and email, and has also been posted to numerous blogs and forums, depicts an amazingly tall young lass standing beside an older man usually identified as her teacher. 

The girl towers over her teacher, with her head almost touching the classroom ceiling. 

But, things are not quite as they seem. The image is the result of some clever digital manipulation. Although very tall indeed, the girl is not as tall as she has been made to appear in the circulating image.

The image is a digitally altered version of a genuine photograph depicting then 16-year-old Marvadene Anderson and her teacher. 2010 news articles about Marvadene feature the original and unaltered version of the image. At that time, Marvadene was identified in reports as the world's tallest teenager at 6ft 11in (210.82 cm).

Certainly, Marvadene is extremely tall and DeviantArt contributor lowerrider has enhanced and exaggerated this tallness to create his own rather compelling version. In fact, lowerrider has an extensive gallery depicting a host of other gigantic females. 

GuinnessWorld Records now lists 17 year old Rumeysa Gelgi from Turkey as the world's tallest teen at 7ft 0.09 in (213.6 cm).

Lil Wayne and FOUR others left DEAD after Shooting at his home

On March 11, 2015 reports of a shooting at the home of US rapper Lil Wayne began appearing online. The Twitterverse lit up with the shooting rumours as did other social media channels.

A heavily armed police team attended the scene after police received a phone call claiming that 4 people had been shot at the star's home.

However, it has now been revealed that the shooting report was a hoax. Attending police found no evidence of any shooting. Lil Wayne was not home at the time of the supposed incident. 

Miami Beach Police confirmed that the incident was a hoax via Twitter, noting:
MBPD handles all calls of this nature in a serious manner . In this case it appears to have be a hoax @ #LiLWaynes home . #Swatting
Police have labelled the incident as an example of 'swatting', a very dangerous prank in which people falsely report a violent crime in progress as a means of triggering a major police response. 


On the 89th minute a huge bomb explosion was heard! Police say that the investigation is now on the way!