Anonymous Declare War On Family Of Boy Who Fell Into The Gorilla Enclosure

Unless you've been living under a rock for the last week, you'll know all about the little boy who fell into a gorilla enclosure. 

The tragic chain of events led to Harambe, a gorilla at the zoo, being shot dead in the zoo's attempt to 'protect' the boy. 

There's been an absolute uproar on the internet with the parents of the child even receiving death threats. Because apparently they haven't been through enough. Seriously, just stop. It's incredibly sad that Harambe died. It's awful. But why, why, why do people feel the need to get involved and make them feel worse than they already do?! The police are now investigating the incident - so I suggest we all just let them do their job. 
Anyway, now Anonymous have decided to get involved too and have released a video calling for action against the child's parents. They even gave out the mother's phone number and address of her workplace.

The video says: "Dear citizens of the world, as you may have heard an endangered silverback gorilla, Harambe, was killed this week after a woman, Michelle Gregg, neglected to supervise her children.
"We do not see Michelle Gregg as a fit parent. We are calling on an investigation of Michelle Gregg and the zoo. We believe she should be charged in the death of an endangered animal.
"We are encouraging every able-bodied person watching this video to participate. #OpHarambe engage."
What do you think? Taking it too far or completely justified? Let us know in the comments below.