This image, which circulates via social media and email, and has also been posted to numerous blogs and forums, depicts an amazingly tall young lass standing beside an older man usually identified as her teacher. 

The girl towers over her teacher, with her head almost touching the classroom ceiling. 

But, things are not quite as they seem. The image is the result of some clever digital manipulation. Although very tall indeed, the girl is not as tall as she has been made to appear in the circulating image.

The image is a digitally altered version of a genuine photograph depicting then 16-year-old Marvadene Anderson and her teacher. 2010 news articles about Marvadene feature the original and unaltered version of the image. At that time, Marvadene was identified in reports as the world's tallest teenager at 6ft 11in (210.82 cm).

Certainly, Marvadene is extremely tall and DeviantArt contributor lowerrider has enhanced and exaggerated this tallness to create his own rather compelling version. In fact, lowerrider has an extensive gallery depicting a host of other gigantic females. 

GuinnessWorld Records now lists 17 year old Rumeysa Gelgi from Turkey as the world's tallest teen at 7ft 0.09 in (213.6 cm).