Paris terror attacks: British terror threat could be raised to highest level of 'attack imminent'

David Cameron will chair at Cobra meeting today where they will discuss raising the threat level to 'critical'

The terror threat level in the UK could be raised to its highest possible level following last night's devastating attacks in Paris.

Prime Minister David Cameron will chair a Cobra meeting this morning where they will discuss raising the threat level to 'critical'.
That means an attack is expected 'imminently' and would be the first time since 2007 that it has been so high.
A senior Metropolitan Police officer has said there will be a heightened police presence at British ports and major events over the coming days in response to the massacres in Paris.
Mark Rowley, the assistant commissioner for specialist operations in London, said the UK's official terror threat level was already at "highly likely" - the second highest it can be - and he expected the Cobra meeting called by Prime Minister David Cameron to consider raising it further.

He called for "vigilance" from the public, stressing that the fight against terrorism was dependent on maintaining the trust and confidence of the UK's communities to provide police with information about suspicious behavior.